Poorly Designed Septic
Control Panels Suck.

We are on a mission to rethink septic control panels to make them easy to install, commission, and service.

RNB control panels assembly shop

Who We Are

We are mechanical and electrical engineers tired of poorly engineered equipment and strive to ease the stress of field techs by designing control systems that are simple to understand, easy to commission, install, and especially easy to service. Good design enables efficient business.

What We Do

Through our efforts, we recognize how poorly designed equipment hinders progress in a messy spaghetti-like web of electrical wiring. In addition, we're committed to understanding what field technicians want and need as they battle all kinds of weather conditions with varying levels of experience.

Why We Do it

We build a better box with all users in mind, cascading efficiencies down the line. Users matter. Field techs wear gloves and work in all weather conditions, with various skills from newbies to old pros, and they are all tired of poorly designed, messy control panels. 

Engineers are people who can turn a beer & a napkin sketch into next-generation products that solve real problems.

Are you an Distributor for OEM who wants:

  • To find a production partner that can UL certify the control system and maintain a shared QC documentation program?
  • Utilize standard components for fast production runs
  • Customized brand label product for your organization
  • A partner with the capacity to scale up your production
  • To find design improvements or efficiencies that will decrease your service calls to maximize your profit margin

We created Septic Panels USA to change how control panels are designed and manufactured.

Our parent company, RNB Controls, Inc., was founded 15 years ago by 3 guys who have each put in over 30 years in the controls and automation industry. We have had darn near every role you can have. From Controls Engineers to Sales Executives to Project Managers to Purchasing Managers to Distributor Reps, Manufacturers Reps, and Installers.

We truly understand our industry's underpinnings—the vertical markets and the personalities that make up all of those creatively cool independent markets. We learned how to speak their language by working in the trenches, sitting on the Homer buckets, and not being able to go home until that system worked properly.

We’ve seen the good, the bad, and the ugly. We know which hardware to keep, which to stay away from, and why. We follow the wisdom that comes from decades of experience with every kind of customer under the sun.

“To us, the control panel is a work of art that must be perfectly made to the specifications, test out fast, be clean, and ready for prime time. 

– Lee Riemenschneider, President at RNB Control Panels

Lee Riemenschneider, President
Let’s connect on LinkedIn

Heath Brewer,
Dir. of Engineering

Open quote graphic

To the optimist, the glass is half full. To the pessimist, the glass is half empty. To the engineer, the glass is twice as big as it needs to be.

— Unknown

Mission Critical Beliefs

  • Good design enables efficient business.
  • Make everything we touch better, not more complicated.
  • Build for longevity and durability.
  • Innovative solutions start with empathy for the user.
  • Bring a high-level of give-a-damn to everything.
  • What we do, we do extremely well.

We’re Doubling Our Capacity

More space.
Helping more customers.
Custom designing more control panels.
Creating less frustration in the field.

We make septic and custom control panels that are easy to install, easy to commission, and especially easy to service because good design enables efficient business.