Quick Ship Septic Control Panel
Tired of navigating clunky, uncooperative control panels that make you fill the swear jar? Us too.
Our septic system control panels have been ergonomically designed and expertly engineered for durability in any environment with users ranging from newbies to experienced pros; our products provide an intuitive user interface that can be installed quickly and maintained easily–glove-friendly!
No more struggling against subpar technology; we ensure field technicians have what it takes to install, use, and service easily.
Control: grinder, pump & actuator, lift station, alarm, aerobic, and cellular notifications
Septic Panels USA & RNB Controls are UL-certified control panel shops specializing in designing and building UL 508A-listed custom control panels, UL 183, 1203, and 698A control panels designated for hazardous locations.
Looking to buy a better box?
We are on a mission to rethink control panels to make them easy to install, commission, use, and service.